Welcome: login to the fossil wood database (FWDS)

Triassic to the Pleistocene

Fossil Wood from Central Europe

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please press the submit button below to enter the database
otherwise click the clear-button and insert Your Username and Password)

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some information about the fossil wood database:
it is a relational MySQL database running under LINUX
the data are compiled by Alfred Selmeier, München
the php-scripting for the WEB interface is done by Alexandra Drücke and August Ilg, Düsseldorf
all questions regarding Username, Password or problems send to the administrator
August Ilg
all questions regarding the data send to:

Alfred Selmeier

Madelaine Böhme

citate the data as reference: Selmeier, A. 2004: FWDS, www.wahre-staerke.com/selm/

Impressum       Datenschutz        © FWDS 2018